Black gram- Planting activities

Black gram is propagated through seeds. The recommended seed rate for pure crop is 8 kg/acre and for mixed crop is 2.4 kg/ acre. It can be grown all the year.

It is grown as pure crop in rice fallows after harvest. It can also be grown as a mixed crop with tapioca, colocasia, yam, and banana or as an intercrop in coconut gardens.

The field is ploughed two to three times thoroughly and weeds and stubbles are removed. Organic manure @ 80 kg/cent is added.

Channels, 30 cm broad and 15 cm deep, are drawn at 2 m apart to drain off excess rain water during kharif season and provide irrigation during summer season.

The seeds are treated with rhizobium before planting. The best culture of rhizobium for seed treatment is KAU-BG-2 and BG-12.

For treating 5-10 kg seeds, 500 gram culture is required. Moisten the seeds with rice-gruel water. Take the culture, mix with seed and dry in shade for 30 minutes. This may be sown immediately.

The seeds are broadcasted. The ideal spacing for plant growth is 25 cm x 15 cm.

Apply recommended basal dose of fertilizers at the time of planting. A time lag of ten days should be given between application of lime and fertilizers.