Clove-Inter cultivation

Provide shade for seedlings. Banana can be grown to provide shade during the initial establishment.  Small temporary pandals may provide for partial shade during initial establishment.

Mulch the basins with dried leaves. Conduct weeding and inter-cultivation whenever necessary.

Apply fertilizers in two equal split doses in May-June along with the organic manures and in September-October in shallow trenches dug around the plant about 1 to 1.25 m away from the base.

Cut and remove dead and diseased branches of fully grown trees to prevent overcrowding. Spray 1per cent Bordeaux mixture to control dieback.

Frequent watering is essential in the initial stages in the absence of rains.  Irrigation should be given during summer months. Applying 8 liters of water either through drip or through basin during the months of January – May is beneficial.