Micro nutrient fertilizers

Calcium fertilizers

Calcium carbonate: It is a liming material used in agriculture. It contains approximately 32 per cent calcium. It is commonly called lime stone.

Calcium nitrate: It is a water soluble calcium fertilizer.It contains 15.5 per cent nitrogen and 18.8 per cent calcium. It is used for foliar application.

Calcium oxide: It is also known as quicklime or burnt lime. It is derived by heating limestone to expel carbon dioxide. It is more concentrated and caustic than agricultural lime. The calcium content is around 70 per cent.

Calcium hydroxide: It is also called as hydrated lime or slacked lime. It is made by treating burnt lime with water. The calcium content is around 50 per cent.

Dolomite: It is widely used as liming material in acid soils. It contains 21 per cent calcium and 13 per cent magnesium.

Gypsum: It is used as liming material in sodic and alkaline soils to correct soil physical problems and aluminum toxicity. It contains 23 per cent calcium and 19 per cent sulfur. Gypsum does not increase the soil pH. It also

Single Super Phosphate: It is a water soluble phosphatic fertilizer. It contains 18 per cent phosphorous as major nutrient. It also provides 12 per cent sulphur and 21 per cent calcium.

Triple Super Phosphate: It is mainly used as phosphatic fertilizer. It supplies both calcium and phosphate. It contains 12-14 per cent calcium and 46 per cent phosphorous.

Rock phosphate: It is a phosphorous fertilizer and contains 35 per cent calcium. The popular names of the fertilizer are Rajphos or Massuriephos.

Magnesium fertilizers

Magnesium sulphate: It is a commercial magnesium fertilizer and contains 20 per cent magnesium.

Magnesium sulphate hepta hydrate: It is an inorganic salt called epsom salt containing 9.6 per cent magnesium and 12 per cent sulphur. It is water soluble and does not alter soil pH. The efficiency of magnesium fertilizers decreases when applied along with potassium fertilizers.

Dolomite: It is widely used as liming material in acid soils. It contains 21 per cent calcium and 13 per cent magnesium.

Sulphur fertilizers

Elemental sulphur: it is used as a soil amendment and contains 85-100 per cent sulphur. In its elemental form, sulfur is a solid. Elemental sulfur is insoluble in water. When finely-ground elemental sulfur is incorporated into the soil, microorganisms oxidize and convert it to sulfate.

Ammonium sulphate: It is mainly used as a nitrogen fertilizer. It contains 24 per cent sulfur and 21 per cent nitrogen. It has a very strong acidifying effect on soil and hence not recommended for acid soils.

Boron fertilizers

Sodium tetra borate or Borax: It contains 10.5 per cent boron.  It is a water soluble white salt. It can be used for foliar application.  However, care should be taken to prevent boron toxicity. It can be applied in soil also. Since boron has a small sufficiency range, it should be mixed uniformly into the soil.

Boric acid: It contains 17 per cent boron. It is a white crystalline powder. It is applied as a foliar nutrient.

Di Sodium Octa Borate Tetra Hydrate: It is also used as boron fertilizer. It contains 20 per cent boron.

Di Sodium Octa Borate Penta Hydrate: It is also used as boron fertilizer. It contains 15 per cent boron.

Copper fertilizers       

Copper sulphate pentahydrate: It contains 24 per cent copper and 17 per cent sulfur. It can be applied to the soil or as foliar spray.

lron fertilizers

Ferrous sulphate: It is a water soluble fertilizer containing 19 per cent iron and 10.5 per cent sulfur. It can be used as a foliar spray.

Iron chelate (iron EDTA): It contains 12 per cent iron. It can be used as foliar spray or directly applied to the soil.

Manganese fertilizers

Manganese Sulphate: It is the well known Manganese fertilizer. It is pink salt containing 30.5 per cent Manganese and 17 per cent sulphur. It is soluble in water and is suitable for foliar application. It is also recommended for band application in soil.

Molybdenum fertilizers

Ammonium molybdate: It contains 52 per cent molybdenum. It is water soluble. It is suitable for soil application and foliar application.

Zinc fertilizers

Zinc sulfate monohydrate: It contains 33 per cent zinc and 15 per cent sulphur. Due to its low soil mobility, zinc sulfate should be mixed thoroughly into the soil when broadcasted. Band placement is favorable in finely textures soils that are low in Zinc.

Zinc chelates (EDTA): It contains 2 per cent zinc. It can be applied as a foliar spray or directly to the soil.

Zincated urea: Urea fertilizer fortified with Zinc. It contain 2 per cent Zinc and 43 per cent Nitrogen.