Radish- Variety information

Arka Nishanth: Developed by IIHR, Bangalore. Crop duration 50-55 days. Roots are long, marble white, resistant to pithiness and pre- mature bolting. Chinese Pink Roots 12- 15 cm long, semi-stumpy to stumpy, pink with white colour towards the tip. The skin is shining red and smooth and the flesh is white, crisp, solid and mildly pungent.

Japanese White: Developed at IARI Regional Station, Katrain by introduction. Crop duration 60-65 days. The roots are cylindrical 25-30 cm long and 5 cm in diameter. Skin pure white, flesh crisp, solid and mildly flavoured. Suitable for growing between October- December in the plains and July September in the hills. Yield 15-30 t/ha.

Pusa Chethki: This variety has wider adaptability and can tolerate high temperature. Suitable for growing mid- March to mid- August in northern and central parts of India. In southern and western parts of India It can be grown throughout the year. Roots are medium long, stumpy, pure white, mildly pungent and mature in 40-45 days. It is grown as a summer and monsoon crop from April September.

Pusa Desi: It is a subtropical cultivar, suitable for sowing from middle of August to October in the northern plains Roots are pure white, 30-35 cm long, tapering with green stem end, It matures in 50-55 days after sowing. Suitable for sowing in northern India from mid-August to mid- October.

Pusa Reshmi: The roots are 30-45cm long, white with green tinge on top. Suitable for early sowing from mid- September to mid-November but it can tolerate slightly higher temperature. Roots are ready for harvesting in about 55- 60 days.