Phosper Fertilizer -Bone Meal

Importance of the Fertilizer Bone meal is one of the oldest phosphate fertilizers in use. It is in use in large quantities since the beginning of the last century. The bones collected from slaughterhouses are dried and crushed to prepare bone meal. And the fertilizer is recommended mainly at the time of planting.
Amount of Available Nutrients Bone meal contains prosperous as the major nutrient. The phosphorous content of bone meal varies from 20 to 25 per cent. Besides phosphorous, bone meal also contains nitrogen to around 2-4 percent in organic form
Compatibility in fertilizer mixtures Data presently not available on this topic
Reaction of the Fertilizer in Soil The phosphorous present in bone meal is in dicalcium phosphate and tricalcium phosphate form. These forms are not souable in water but in acidic condition. Hence, the availability of the fertilizer will be more only in soils with slight acidic nature
Situations where Recommended Bone meal is a slow realizing fertilizer. Hence, it is recommended only for basal application. Further, since the fertilizer is solvable in acidic condition, it is recommended when the soil pH is high.
References 1. Yawalkar, K. S., Agarwal, J. P., and Bokde, S., (1996) Manures and Fertilizers, Agri-Horticultural Publishing House, Nagpur