Tapioca- Variety information

H-97: It is a high yielding hybrid variety of tapioca. Duration 10 months. Medium tall plants (1.5-2 m) semi-branching variety. Field tolerant to drought conditions as well as to Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD). Yield of 25-35 T/ha. Tubers with 27 – 29 percent starch. Harvest can be prolonged even up to 16 months

H-165: It is a high yielding hybrid variety of tapioca. Duration 8-9 months. Non-branching type. Medium tall (1.5 – 2 m). Field tolerant to Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) but susceptible to wilt disease. Yield 33- 38 t / ha. Starch content 23 – 25% on fresh weight basis. It is easily harvestable with good tuber shape.

H-226: It is a high yielding hybrid variety of tapioca. Crop duration 10 months. Medium tall plants(1.5-2 m). This is a semi-branching type with medium cooking quality. It is moderately susceptible to mosaic. Field tolerant to drought conditions as well as to Cassava Mosaic Disease (CMD) .Yield of 25-35 t/ha. The starch content is 29 per cent.

Kalpaka: This is a non-branching type.duration 6 months. Suited as an intercrop of coconut in reclaimed alluvial soils of Kuttanad.

M-4: This is an erect type with excellent cooking quality having 10 months duration. The starch content is 29 per cent.

Nidhi: This is a high yielding early variety of tapioca. Duration 5.5-6 months. It is tolerant to mosaic and moisture stress. Tuber contains 26.8 per cent starch and 20 ppm HCN.

Sree Harsha: It is a variety released from CTCRI, Trivandrum. Triploid Variety. Duration 10 months.  It is an erect non-branching type. High yield and dry matter. Recorded a yield of 35-40t/ha. Tuber contains 34-36 per cent starch. They are non-bitter and ideal for culinary purposes. High starch content makes it suitable for preparing dried chips. Suitable for industrial purposes.

Sree Jaya: It is a variety released from CTCRI, Trivandrum. This is an early variety. Crop duration 7months. Tuber yield:26-30t/ha. Excellent cooking quality. Tuber contains 24-27 per cent starch and is low in cyanogens.

Sree Prabha: It is a variety released from CTCRI, Trivandrum. It is a top cross hybrid with 10 months duration. Tubers contain 26.8 per cent starch with good cooking quality.

Sree Prakash: It is a variety released from CTCRI, Trivandrum. Crop duration 7 months. Suitable for lowland cultivation. Short (1-1.5m) and non-branching. Yield 35-40 T / Ha. Starch content 29-31 % in fresh tubers.

Sree Rekha: It is a variety released from CTCRI, Trivandrum. It is a top cross hybrid. Duration 10 months. Tubers contain 28.2 per cent starch with excellent cooking quality.

Sree Sahya: It is a variety released from CTCRI, Trivandrum. Multiple cross hybrid. Duration 10-11 months. Tall (2-2.5 m). Erect-branching. Occasional branching of tubers. Hardy and highly resistant to drought. Starch content 29-31 %. Yield 35-40 T/ Ha. It shows high tolerance to mosaic and low susceptibility to pests like red mites, scale insects, thrips etc.

Sree Vijaya: It is a variety released from CTCRI, Trivandrum.  This is an early variety with 6-7 months duration and excellent cooking quality. Yield 25-28t/ha. Tuber contains 27-30 per cent starch and is low in cyanogens. The tuber flesh colour is light yellow after cooking.

Sree Visakham: It is a hybrid variety released from CTCRI, Trivandrum. Crop duration 10 months. Non branching tall (2- 2.5 m). It shows high tolerance to mosaic and low susceptibility to pests like red mites, scale insects, thrips etc. Yield 35-38 T/ Ha.  Yellow coloured flesh. Starch content in fresh tubers 25-27 %. Carotene content 466 IU.

Vellayani Hraswa: High yielding early variety. Duration 5-6 months. It cannot tolerate drought. Tubers contain 27.8 per cent starch and 53 ppm cyanogen. The cooking quality is very good.