Tobacco- Planting activities

Tobacco is propagated by seed. The recommended seed rate is 30 gram/acre. The best season of planting is October to February.

It is generally raised as a cold weather crop, the optimum temperature range being 18 to 27 degree Celsius. The crop prefers well-drained fertile soil. Acidic soils are also suitable. It is sensitive to waterlogging.

The seeds are raised in nursery before planting. Seeds may be mixed with fine sand or ash @ 1:15 by weight and broadcasted. Seedlings will be kept in the nursery for about 8-10 weeks.

The field is ploughed well and flat beds are prepared. Seedlings are transplanted on flat beds. Seedlings are planted 10-15 cm deep in the main field at a spacing of 85 cm x 85 cm.

Organic manure @ 30 kg/cent should be applied at time of land preparation. The basal dose of fertilizers should also be applied.