Colocasia- Planting activities
Colocasia is propagated by tubers. Side tubers each of 25-35 gram should be used for planting. About 14800 side tubers weighing about 480 kg are required to plant one acre.
The best time of planting for rainfed crop is May-June to Oct-Nov. And in case of irrigated crop the planting can be done throughout the year.
Plough or dig the land to a depth of 20-25 cm and bring to a fine tilth. Make ridges 60 cm apart. Apply cattle manure or compost @ 48 kg/cent.
Plant the side corms at a spacing of 45 cm on the ridges. Ensure sufficient moisture in the soil at the time of planting.
Soon after planting, cover the ridges with suitable mulching materials for retention of moisture and to control weeds.
For uniform sprouting, irrigate just after planting and one week later is recommended.
The basal dose of fertilizer has to be applied within a week after sprouting.