Ginger-Inter cultivation
Two to three weeding are required depending on the intensity of weed growth. Remove weeds by hand weeding before each mulching. Repeat weeding according to weed growth during the fifth and sixth month after planting.
Earth up the crop during the first mulching and avoid water stagnation. Proper drainage channels are to be provided.
In areas prone to rhizome rot disease and nematode infestations, solarization of beds for 40 days using transparent polythene sheets should be done before planting.
Immediately after planting, mulch the beds thickly with green leaves @ 15 t ha-1. Repeat mulching with green leaves twice @ 7.5 t/ha first 44-60 days and second 90-120 days after planting.
Earthing up is essential to prevent exposure of rhizomes and provide sufficient soil volume for free development of rhizomes. It also reduces scale infestation. It is done at 40 and 90 days after planting immediately after weeding and application of fertilizers.
In zinc deficient soils basal application of zinc fertilizer up to 6 kg zinc/ha (30 kg of zinc sulphate/ha) gives good yield.
The first dose of fertilizer has to be applied at the time of planting. The second dose has to apply in 60 days after planting.
The critical stages for irrigation are during germination, rhizome initiation (90 DAP) and rhizome development stages (135 DAP). Hence, water should be ensured during these periods.
The first irrigation should be done immediately after planting and subsequent irrigations are given at an interval of 7 to 10 days. Sprinklers and drip system can also be employed for better water use efficiency.