Green manure crops

Sun hemp

Sun hemp is a vigorous growing green manure crop. It has the capacity to fix atmospheric nitrogen.

It is propagated through seed. The seed rate is 25-35 kg/ ha. It can be incorporated at 10 weeks after sowing. The green matter yield is 15-20 t / ha. Quantity of nitrogen fixed by the crop is 75-80 kg N/ ha. It does not withstand water logging. (SN: Crotalaria juncea).


Daincha is a quick growing succulent green manure crop. The plant has root nodules that fix nitrogen. It is suited for loamy and clayey soils. The plant is fairly resistant to drought as well as stagnation of water. It grows well even in alkaline soils.

The propagation is through seeds. Recommended seed rate is 20 to 25 kg / ha. It can be incorporated at about 8 to 10 weeks after sowing. The green matter yield is 10-20 t/ha. Quantity of nitrogen fixed is 75 to 80 kg N/ ha. (SN: Sesbania aculeata).

New Daincha

New Daincha is a green manure crop like daincha. The difference from daincha is that it has nodules both on the stem and root. The stem nodulation is an adaptation for waterlogged situation. The stem nodules fix nitrogen in flooded condition.

The propagation is through seed. The seed rate is 30 to 40 kg /ha.  It can be incorporated at 8 to 10 weeks after sowing. The green matter yield is 15 to 20 t/ ha.  Quantity of nitrogen fixed is 150-180 kg N/ ha. (SN: Sesbania rostrata).

Wild indigo or Kolingi

Wild indigo is a slow growing green manure crop. It is suited for light soils. It resists drought but does not withstand water stagnation.

The propagation is through seed. The seed rate is 20-25 kg/ ha. The green matter yield varies from 8 to 10 t/ha. (SN: Tephrosia purpurea).


Indigo is a slow growing green manure crop. It shows resistance to drought.

The propagation is through seed. The seed rate is 20 kg/ ha. Green matter production is 8-10 t /ha. (SN: Indigofera tinctoria).


Cowpea is a leguminous green manure crop.  It is sown in uplands during June-July for green manure purpose. It is also cultivated in rice fields after harvest (March to April).

The propagation is through seed. Seed rate is 10-40 kg/ha. The quantity of nitrogen fixed is around 40 kg N/ha. (SN: Vigna unguiculata).