Rice Planting activities-Dry sown crop

Rice is propagated through seeds. The seed rate for broadcasting is 32-40 kg/acre. And for dibbling, the seed rate is 32-36 kg/acre.

The land should be prepared well by thorough ploughing and leveling. The bunds should be strengthened for irrigational purpose and be cleared of weeds.

Apply the first dose of lime as basal dressing at the time of first ploughing (140 kg/acre).

Apply organic manure in the form of farmyard manure or compost or green leaf (5 tones/ha) and incorporate into the soil while ploughing.

The seeds should have 80 % germination and should be free from dormancy. The seeds are sown directly or with seed drills.

Dress the seeds with Pseudomonas (10 gram/kg of seeds) before sowing or Carbendazim 50 WP (2 gram/kg of seed).

Apply recommended basal dose of fertilizers within two week of germination. A time lag of 10 days should be given between application of lime and fertilizers.

In dry seeded rice, spray any of the following pre-emergent herbicides: Butachlor 50 EC (1 litre/ acre), Pretilachlor 50 EC (600 ml/acre)Oxyfluorfen 23.5 EC (250 ml/acre), Pendimethalin 30 EC (2 litre/acre) or Pretilachlor+ Bensulfuron methyl (0.6+0.06 WP)(4 kg/acre) on the same day of seeding or within six days of seeding to control weeds.