White yam- Variety information
Sree Dhanya: It is a variety released from CTCRI, Trivandrum. It is the first dwarf variety. Duration 9 months. Dwarf bushy clone. Staking not needed. Yield 20 t / ha. The tubers have 28-30 per cent dry matter, 22-24 per cent protein and 0.3-0.5 per cent sugar.
Sree Priya: It is a variety released from CTCRI, Trivandrum. It is suitable for inter-cropping in mature coconut garden and with banana. Duration is 9-10 months. The plant is a climber. It is drought tolerant. Tuber surface is smooth. Yield 35 – 40 t /ha. The tuber contains 25-27 per cent dry matter, 19-21 per cent starch and 2-2.5 per cent protein. Cooking quality and taste are good.
Sree Subhra: It is a variety released from CTCRI, Trivandrum. Duration 9-10 months. The variety is drought tolerant. Tubers are brown skinned, cylindrical and partially hairy. Yield 35-40 t/ha. The tuber contains 27-28 per cent dry matter, 21-22 per cent starch and 1.8-2 per cent protein. Good cooking quality.