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Nitrogen deficiency


Nitrogen is a highly mobile element in plant. So when the soil become deficient in available nitrogen, nitrogen from lower leaves will get transferred to growing points. Hence, deficiency symptoms will be first noticed in older and lower leaves.

The initial symptoms will be pale green to light green colour change on leaves. Leaves become small with general yellowing. The colour change normally starts from the leaf tip of older leaves. Twigs become yellow in color. There will be severe retardation of growth. Fruits become smaller and mature early.


Add sufficient quantity of organic matter to the soil every year. Check whether the recommended quantity of fertilizers is applied in time. Go for soil analysis and understand the extent of deficiency.

Apply quick release nitrogen fertilizers like urea as per soil test result in split doses. As an immediate solution applies urea as foliar spray (10 gram /liter of water) once in 15 days till the deficiency is over. Application of organic growth promoters at frequent interval is also advantageous.