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Black rot / Basal rot / Bud rot / Soft rot


The buds of plants are rotted and become black. Subsequently the infection spreads to fruits. On fruits, water soaked dark coloured lesions develop and the affected tissues rot, dry and become brittle. The decay is accompanied by the sweet and fermented smell.

The leaves show withering and wilting symptoms. Sometime, white leaf spot with dark brown margin develops, and later enlarge and cover the larger area. It is also a post harvest disease mainly occurring when there is a delay in use after harvest. The fungus makes its entry through wounds caused during picking and packing.

Infestation starts at the stalk-end of the fruit. The initial symptoms are small, circular, water-soaked spots that are very soft. Gradually, fruit rots and emits foul smell. (C.O.: Ceratocystis paradoxa).


Sun dry the planting material for 2-3 days before planting. Dip the suckers / slips in Carbendazim 50 WP (3 gram/litre of water) for 2 hours. Prophylatic spray drenching the base of the plants with Copper oxychloride 50 WP (2.5 gram/litre of water) or Copper hydroxide 77 WP (1.5 gram/litre of water).

Avoid injury to the fruit during harvest and transit. Dip fruits for 5 minutes in Carbendazim 50 WP (3 gram/litre of water) to minimise rotting.