Cinnamon- Planting activities

Cinnamon is propagated through seeds and also by cuttings. Air layering is also recommended for cinnamon. Around 1000 plants can be accommodated in an acre.

Sow seeds immediately after harvest on raised beds. Pot seedlings when they are six months old.

For raising cinnamon from cuttings; semi hardwood cuttings of about 10 cm lengths with 2 leaves are taken and dipped in IBA 2000 ppm and planted in polythene bags.

Air layering is recommended for all cinnamon nurseries. It is done on semi hardwood shoots. Rooting takes place in 40-60 days.

Select seedlings with green leaf petioles. Plant seedlings in the main field when they are 1-2 years old with the commencement of southwest monsoon.

Planting is done in pits of size 60 cm x 60 cm at a spacing of 2 m x 2 m. Dig the pits sufficiently early to allow weathering. Fill the pit with leaf mould and topsoil before planting.