Cinnamon-Inter cultivation

Two weeding in a year (June–July and October–November) and one digging of soil around the bushes (during August–September) is recommended.

Cinnamon is mainly a rainfed crop. In the initial 2–3 years, watering is given during summer months twice a week. The quantity of water depends upon the soil moisture level and growth of plants.

Coppicing is a practice of cutting back the height of the cinnamon trees to a desired height in a commercial plantation so as to manage the plantation more effectively. Two-year-old plants are coppiced during June–July to a height of about 15 cm from the stump.

Afterwards, main stem produces a bunch of side shoots and subsequently the plants assume the shape of a low bush of about 2 m height and a bunch of canes suitable for peeling crop up in a period of about 4 years.

Regular peeling operations could be commenced in case of seedling bushes, from fourth or fifth year, depending upon the extent of development of peeler shoots. Usually coppicing is done in alternate years.