Ash gourd- Variety information
Indu: This is a variety developed from RARS, Pattambi. The variety is recommended to the central zone of Kerala. Crop duration 3.5 to 4 months. The fruit are medium sized and round shaped. The variety is tolerant to mosaic. Average fruit length 24.3 cm, weight 4.82 kg and flesh thickness 5.27 cm. Average yield 24.5 t/ha.
KAU Local: This is a variety developed from College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara. The variety is recommended to the central zone of Kerala. Crop duration 3.5 to 4 months. The fruits are medium sized, oval to oblong with high flesh thickness. Fruit length 45-55 cm, fruit weight 6-8 kg and flesh thickness 5.1 to 6.2 cm. Yield 28.2 t/ha.
Thara: It is a varity developed from RARS Pattambi. The fruit size is 1.22 kg. The Average yield is 22 t/ha. The variety is recommended for homesteads and commercial cultivation.