Asoka- Planting activities

Asoka is propagated by seed and also by air layering. Two month old seedlings from the poly bags are used for transplanting. The ideal time of planting is May-June.

Seeds should be collected from trees above 6-7 years. The ripe and fallen seeds are collected. Seeds are formed usually during February-April.

Seeds are sown in nursery after soaking in water for 12 hours on the prepared beds. Seeds germinate within 20 days. The seeds are then planted in poly bags.

Seedlings are abundantly seen under the trees through germination of fallen seeds. These can be uprooted and field planted directly during rainy season.

Air layering in Asoka is found successful. Coir pith compost is the best root media. June-July is the ideal time for air layering.

Pits of 60 cm x60cm x60 cm are made one month in advance. The pits are filled with topsoil, sand and dried cow dung.

Two month old seedlings are transplanted. The ideal spacing is 3 m apart.