Brinjal- Planting activities
Brinjal is propagated through seed. The recommended seed rate is 140-200 gram/acre. The best season of planting is May-June and September-October.
The land is prepared well by thorough ploughing or digging. Lime or dolomite @ 1-3 Kg/cent has to be applied depending on soil acidity. This should be followed by adding organic manure @ 90 kg/cent along with top soil.
The planting is done in raised beds during rainy season and in furrows during summer season.
Brinjal is a transplanted crop. Seeds are sown in the nursery. One month old seedlings are transplanted in the main field.
Transplant less spreading varieties like Swetha and Surya at 60 cm x 60 cm. For spreading varieties Haritha and Neelima, provide wider spacing of 75-90 cm x 60 cm.
It is advisable to do the transplantation in evening hours. Transplanted seedlings should also be given temporary shade in hot summer.
Apply recommended basal dose of fertilizers at the time of planting. A time lag of ten days should be given between application of lime and fertilizers.