Chengazhinirkizhangu- Planting activities

Chengazhinirkizhangu is propagated through rhizomes. Rhizome bits of size 10-15 gram are used for planting. About 1000-1200 kg rhizomes are required for planting one acre.

The optimum time of planting is with the receipt of four or five pre-monsoon showers in May-June. It is also cultivated as an intercrop with other commercial crops.

Smoking the rhizomes for 2-3 weeks is good for the development of healthy sprouts. At times, rhizomes are stored in Glycosmis pentaphylla leaves in underground pits covered with coconut fronds.

Plough the field to good tilth. Prepare raised seed beds of 1 m breadth and of convenient length. Pits are made at 20 cm spacing on the seed bed.

Whole or split rhizomes with at least one healthy sprout is planted 5 cm deep with the sprout facing upwards and covering the pit with FYM. Organic manure @ 60 kg/cent is recommended.

Mulch the beds thickly with green leaves or straw @ 6 tons/acre immediately after planting. Mulching is absolutely essential for good growth.

The first dose has to be applied at the time of planting.

Ragi- Planting activities

Ragi is propagated by seeds. The recommended seed rate is 2 kg/acre for direct sown crop and 1.6-2 kg/acre for transplanted crop.

Ragi is suited for cultivation in areas with annual rainfall of 700-1200 mm. It does not tolerate heavy rainfall and requires a dry spell at the time of grain ripening.

Plough the field thoroughly 3-4 times. Add organic manure @ 20 kg/cent.  Ragi is raised as a direct sown crop or transplanted crop.

Transplant the seedlings when they are three weeks old. The recommended spacing is 25 x 15 cm.

Give the first irrigation on the 3rd day to facilitate seedlings to emerge out.

Apply recommended basal dose of fertilizers at the time of planting. A time lag of ten days should be given between application of lime and fertilizers.