Cotton-Inter cultivation
Immediately after the emergence of seedlings, it is advisable to go through the field and fill the gaps by dibbling water-soaked seeds to have quick emergence.
Weak, diseased or damaged seedlings should be removed along with excess ones. Thus plants in clusters would be thinned out retaining robust and strong plants.
Thin the crop when the plants are 15 to 20 cm high. Retain two seedlings per hill in case of desi varieties. In case of hybrid varieties, retain only one seedling per hill.
Cotton needs a weed free environment for the initial 50-60 days of its growth. The first weeding is recommended 20 DAS and the second around 45 DAS. Inter cultivation and mulching is also recommended to control weed.
The second dose of fertilizers has to be applied in 45 days after sowing. Reform the ridges and furrows after top dressing in such a way that the plants are on the top of the ridges and well supported by soil.
For varieties having less than 160 days duration nip the terminal portion of the main stem beyond the 15th node (75 to 80 DAS) and for varieties and hybrids having more than 160 days duration beyond the 20th node (85 – 90 DAS).
Irrigate the plants once in two weeks. Copious irrigation during flowering will ensure good pod setting and fiber quality. Deficit in irrigation will results in fruit abscission. And excess irrigation leads to excess vegetative growth. Avoid water logging at any stage of growth.