Cotton- Planting activities
Cotton is propagated by seeds. The recommended seed rate for American cotton is 6 to 10 kg / acre and for desi cotton it is 4-7 kg / acre.
The seed should be delinted before sowing. For delinting the seed should be rubbed with a paste made of cow dung, ash and water. The seeds after rubbing should be dried in shade. The recommended delinted seed rate is between 1 to 4 kg/acre.
The field should be ploughed 15-20 cm deep with mould board plough. Thereafter three or four harrowing or four to five ploughing with local plough should be given.
After each ploughing, planking is essential to make soil pulverized and leveled. No stubbles of the previous crop should be left in the field.
Sowing is done generally by drilling the seed in rows. The seed should be uniformly placed at a depth of 4-5 cm and properly covered with moist soil.
A spacing of 60 cm between rows and 45 cm between plants for American cottons and a spacing of 60 cm between rows and 30 cm between plants for local cottons is desirable.
Apply recommended basal dose of fertilizers at the time of planting. A time lag of ten days should be given between application of lime and fertilizers.