Ginger- Planting activities
Ginger is propagated through rhizome. Rhizome bits of 15 gram weight are used for planting. The recommended seed rate is 600 kg/acre.
The best time for planting is during the first fortnight of April, after receipt of pre-monsoon showers. The crop can also be grown in the interspaces of coconut gardens.
Clear the field during February-March and burn the weeds, stubbles, roots etc. in situ. Prepare the land by ploughing or digging.
The crop cannot withstand water logging. Provide drainage channels, one for every 25 beds on flat lands.
Beds of convenient length, 1 m width, and 25 cm height are prepared. A space of 40 cm should be given between beds.
Lime or dolomite @ 1-3 Kg/cent has to be applied depending on soil acidity. This should be followed by adding organic manure @ 140 Kg/cent.
Plant rhizome bits of 15 gram weight in small pits at a spacing of 20-25 cm and at a depth of 4-5 cm with at least one viable healthy bud facing upwards.
Apply recommended basal dose of fertilizers at the time of planting. A time lag of ten days should be given between application of lime and fertilizers.