Kacholam- Planting activities

Kacholam is propagated through rhizomes. Whole or split rhizome with at least one healthy sprout is the planting material. The recommended seed rate is 280-320 kg/acre.

Planting is done during the month `of May with the receipt of four or five pre-monsoon showers.

Select well developed healthy and disease free rhizomes. Rhizomes can be stored in cool dry place or pits dug under shade, plastered with mud or cow dung.

Two weeks before planting of the new crop, smoking the rhizomes by spreading it on Glycosmis pentaphylla (panal) leaves is practiced to control pests.
Prepare the land to a good tilth during March by ploughing or digging. On receipt of pre-monsoon showers in April, prepare beds of 1 m width 25 cm height and of convenient length with spacing of 40 cm between beds.

Take small pits in the beds in rows with a spacing of 20 cm x 15 cm and at a depth of 4-5 cm and plant rhizomes with at least one viable healthy bud facing upwards.

Apply FYM or compost as basal dose @ 80Kg/cent, either by broadcasting and ploughing or by covering the rhizome in pits after planting.

After planting, mulch the beds with dry or green leaves @ 15 t /ha. Lime or dolomite has to be applied in acid soils two weeks ahead of fertilizer application.

The first dose of fertilizer has to be applied at the time of first weeding.