Potato- Planting activities
Tubers form the planting materials for potato. Whole tuber or cut pieces of 50-60 gram size are used for planting. The cutting is made longitudinally from bud-end to stem end.
Around 400-800 kg seed tubers are required for one acre. Loose friable sandy loam or silt loam, rich in organic matter are ideal for potato.
The ideal planting time for summer crop: March-April, autumn crop: August-December and spring crop: January-February.
Seed tubers are treated with 1 ppm of GA 3 for one hour and then dried in shade. The practice is done to have uniform sprouting.
Tubers are filled in gunny bags after drying and kept in vertical position in well-ventilated dark room for 10 days for encouraging sprouting.
Seed tubers are treated with Mancozeb 75 WP (2 gram/liter of water) to protect them from soil borne diseases before planting.
The land is prepared well with deep ploughing and leveling. Lime or dolomite @ 1-3 kg/cent has to be applied depending on soil acidity. This should be followed by adding organic manure @ 80 kg/cent.
Tubers are planted on ridges made in the field. The planting is done at 50-60 cm between rows and 15-20 cm between plants.
Apply recommended basal dose of fertilizers at the time of planting. A time lag of ten days should be given between application of lime and fertilizers.