Ragi- Planting activities
Ragi is propagated by seeds. The recommended seed rate is 2 kg/acre for direct sown crop and 1.6-2 kg/acre for transplanted crop.
Ragi is suited for cultivation in areas with annual rainfall of 700-1200 mm. It does not tolerate heavy rainfall and requires a dry spell at the time of grain ripening.
Plough the field thoroughly 3-4 times. Add organic manure @ 20 kg/cent. Ragi is raised as a direct sown crop or transplanted crop.
Transplant the seedlings when they are three weeks old. The recommended spacing is 25 x 15 cm.
Give the first irrigation on the 3rd day to facilitate seedlings to emerge out.
Apply recommended basal dose of fertilizers at the time of planting. A time lag of ten days should be given between application of lime and fertilizers.