Tomato- Variety information
Akshaya: It is a variety released from College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara of KAU. It is suitable for rainshelter cultivation. It is high yielding indeterminate tomato variety. It has flat round medium sized fruits with corrugated fruit surface. The average fruit weight is 59 gram and yield is 40 t/ha in rain shealter and 32 tone/ha in open field.
Anagha: It is a variety released from KAU, Vellanikkara. The variety is resistant to bacterial wilt disease. The variety is resistant to fruit cracking, and tolerant to leaf curl and mosaic. Fruits are reddish round without green shoulder. Average fruit weight is 45 g and average yield is 30 t/ha.
Manulekshmi: It is a variety released from ARS Mannuthy. The variety has largest fruit size among the tomato and resistant to bacterial wilt. It has attractive oval shaped fruits. Lighth green when immature turning to uniform dark red on ripening. Average fruit size is 50-55 gram. The potential yield is 35 tone/ha.
Manuprabha: It is a variety released from ARS Mannuthy. The variety has round fruit. The variety is resistant to bacterial wilt.
Mukthi: It is a variety released from College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara of KAU. The variety is resistant to bacterial wilt disease. The duration is 95-100. Fruits are round, slightly flat at the ends, medium sized and light greenish in colour. Average yield is 43.5 t/ha.
Sakthi: It is a variety released from College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara of KAU. The variety is resistant to bacterial wilt disease. The duration is 115-120. Fruits are round, slightly flat at the ends and medium sized. Fruit cracking is noticed on maturity. The average yield is 32 tone/ha.
Vellayani Vijai: It is a variety released from College of Agriculture, Vellayani of KAU. The variety is resistant to bacterial wilt disease. 37.3