Vetiver-Inter cultivation
Two to three weeding at an interval of about a month are needed during the initial period of growth. In the second year one weeding is done before harvest.
During the initial crop growth (70-90 days) crops like cowpea, black gram, green gram, cluster bean, pigeon pea, senna and sacred basil can be grown as intercrop.
Earthing up after weeding is beneficial to the crop. Earthing up encourages root growth at the crown due to better rhizospheric environment provided to the growing plants.
The cutting of aerial shoot portion with commencement of winter (November) increases tillering and consequently gives more roots per plant. Shoot cutting is done twice during the crop cycle.
First shoot cutting is done at 30 cm height in planting year to achieve regeneration for second year. Second time cutting is done at 15-20 cm height before harvesting to facilitate digging of roots.